Contributor : Profile
Nishith Prakash is a Professor of Public Policy and Economics, with a joint appointment with the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs and the Department of Economics at Northeastern University, Boston. Before joining Northeastern University, he was an associate professor of economics with a joint position with the Department of Economics and the Human Rights Institute at the University of Connecticut, Storrs. Born and raised in Bihar, India, he earned a BA (honours) in economics from Shivaji College, an MA in economics from Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University, and a PhD in economics from the University of Houston, Texas. He was a post-doctoral research associate at Cornell University. He has previously held Visiting Assistant Professor positions at Ohio University, and Dartmouth College, and he has been a Visiting Fellow at Yale University, Columbia University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston University, and Women and Public Policy Program at Harvard Kennedy School.
He is a Research Fellow at CESifo, Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM), The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Households in Conflict Network (HiCN), Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) Network Researcher, Global Labor Organization (GLO), and Member of Insights on Immigration and Development (INSIDE-SPAIN). He is also currently serving on the Editorial Board of the journal PLOS ONE and Associate Editor at the Journal of Development Economics.
His research revolves around empowering human capital in low-income countries. His primary research interests include development, political economy, public policy, the economics of education, and behavioral economics. Throughout his academic pursuit, Professor Prakash has focused on the relationship between government policies and economic development and harnessed rigorous empirical evidence to study the impact of policies and institutions in enabling inclusive growth. He has experience in conducting surveys in developing countries, working with large-scale observational and administrative data sets, and conducting field experiments (RCTs), and has worked closely with the Education Department (in Bihar, Nepal, Zanzibar, and Zambia), the State Police (in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Telangana), the Health Department (in Bihar), the Ministry of Home Affairs (Government of India), and the World Bank. His teaching interests include Development Economics, Applied Econometrics, and the Economics of Gender and Inequality.
Professor Prakash’s research has been featured in The Economist, BBC, World Bank Development Impact Blog, World Economic Forum, Financial Times, Forbes, The Statesman, The Atlantic, The Indian Express, The Hindu, The Times of India, and other national and international newspapers.
Posts by Nishith Prakash
बिहार में शराबबंदी: विवेकपूर्ण नीति या व्यर्थ प्रयास?
बिहार में 1 अप्रैल 2016 से शराबबंदी लागू करने का मुख्यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार का निर्णय इस तर्क पर आधारित है कि शराब का सेवन महिलाओं के प्रति हिंसा का प्राथमिक कारण है। इस लेख के जरिये कुमार और प्रकाश तर्क...
Sanjeev Kumar
Nishith Prakash
03 फ़रवरी, 2022
- दृष्टिकोण
क्या सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के रोजगार में वंचित समूहों के लिए आरक्षण (कोटा) उनके कल्याण को बढ़ावा दे सकता है?
सकारात्मक कार्रवाई संबंधी नीतियां विवादास्पद रही हैं क्योंकि कई लोगों का यह तर्क है कि इनके लाभ इन नीतियों से बाहर रखे गए लोगों के बदले में मिलते हैं और ये लाभ वंचित समूहों में से अभिजात वर्ग को असमान...
Nishith Prakash
21 सितंबर, 2021
- लेख
हाई स्कूल में विज्ञान? कॉलेज और नौकरी के परिणाम
भारत में विज्ञान के अध्ययन के साथ जुड़े कैरियर पथ, हाई स्कूलों में अन्य विषयों के अध्ययन से जुड़े कैरियर पथ के मुक़ाबले, अधिक प्रतिष्ठित और लाभप्रद माने जाते हैं। यह लेख उच्चतर माध्यमिक विद्यालय में ...
Tarun Jain
Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay
Nishith Prakash
Raghav Rakesh
17 सितंबर, 2021
- लेख
Do quotas in public sector employment for disadvantaged groups enhance their welfare?
Affirmative action policies remain controversial with many arguing that benefits come at the expense of those excluded, and accrue disproportionately to the elite in disadvantaged groups. Analysing na...
Nishith Prakash
10 September, 2021
- Articles
दहेज ग्रामीण भारत में परिवार के फैसलों को कैसे प्रभावित करता है?
यह व्यापक रूप से माना जाता है कि भारतीय माता-पिता बेटी के पैदा होते ही दहेज के लिए बचत करना शुरू कर देते हैं। ग्रामीण भारत में दहेज पर दो-भाग की श्रृंखला के इस दूसरे भाग में, यह लेख इस बात की जांच करत...
S Anukriti
Sungoh Kwon
Nishith Prakash
22 जुलाई, 2021
- लेख
ग्रामीण भारत में दहेज प्रथा का क्रमिक उद्भव: 1960-2008 के साक्ष्य
1961 से अवैध घोषित किये जाने के बावजूद, दहेज परंपरा ग्रामीण भारत में व्यापक रूप से फैली हुई है। दो - भागों की श्रृंखला के इस पहले भाग में, यह लेख राज्यों और धार्मिक एवं सामाजिक समूहों में 1960 - 2008 ...
S Anukriti
Sungoh Kwon
Nishith Prakash
15 जुलाई, 2021
- लेख
Evolution of dowry in rural India: Evidence from 1960-2008
Despite being illegal since 1961, dowry continues to be a widespread phenomenon in rural India. In the first of a two-part series, this article tracks the evolution of dowry during 1960-2008 across st...
S Anukriti
Sungoh Kwon
Nishith Prakash
01 July, 2021
- Articles
How dowry influences household decisions in rural India
It is widely believed that Indian parents start saving for dowry as soon as a daughter is born. In the second of a two-part series on dowry in rural India, this article examines how dowry influences h...
S Anukriti
Sungoh Kwon
Nishith Prakash
01 July, 2021
- Articles
जब आपराधिकता अपराध को जन्म देती है: निर्वाचित राजनेताओं की भूमिका
राजनीति का अपराधीकरण समाज के लिए एक बहुत बड़ा खतरा बन गया है। यद्यपि साहित्य में आपराधिक रूप से आरोपी नेताओं के आर्थिक परिणामों पर अध्ययन तो किया गया है, लेकिन उनके क्षेत्राधिकार में आपराधिक माहौल पर ...
Nishith Prakash
Soham Sahoo
Deepak Saraswat
Reetika Sindhi
09 अप्रैल, 2021
- दृष्टिकोण
When criminality begets crime: The role of elected politicians
The criminalisation of politics has become a massive threat to society. While the impact of criminally accused leaders on economic outcomes has been studied in the literature, little is known about th...
Nishith Prakash
Soham Sahoo
Deepak Saraswat
Reetika Sindhi
19 March, 2021
- Perspectives
क्या भारत में अंग्रेजी बोलना अधिक लाभकारी होता है?
भारत में आम धारणा है कि अंग्रेजी-भाषा कौशल से ही बड़े पैमाने पर आर्थिक प्रतिफल प्राप्त होते हैं। इस कॉलम में भारत में अंग्रेजी कौशल से वेतन प्रतिफल का अनुमान लगाया गया है, जिसमे यह पाया गया कि अंग्रे...
Mehtabul Azam
Aimee Chin
Nishith Prakash
04 सितंबर, 2020
- लेख
Science in high school? College and job outcomes
Career paths associated with the study of science vis-à-vis other disciplines in high school, are considered more prestigious and renumerative in India. This article examines the association between ...
Tarun Jain
Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay
Nishith Prakash
Raghav Rakesh
24 June, 2020
- Articles