Fiscal transfers and natural calamities: Does political alignment matter?
Fiscal transfers from the central government serve as an important mechanism for state governments to mitigate adverse impacts of extreme climate events. This article demonstrates that higher allocati...
K. S. Kavi Kumar
Anubhab Pattanayak
14 November, 2024
- Articles
Why political competition matters when inequality is high
In a high-inequality setting, local politicians with secure positions may favour the rich by diverting resources towards them, at the cost of the poor. To test this hypothesis, this article analyses d...
Anders Kjelsrud
Kalle Moene
Lore Vandewalle
13 September, 2024
- Articles
Expected or unexpected? Strategic communication around audits to maximise deterrence
Even with evidence on how audits can be designed to be more effective in deterring corruption by bureaucrats, in practice, budget constraints restrict governments from being able to conduct audits wit...
Wendy Wong
11 September, 2024
- Articles
The Impact of Community-Driven Accountability on Land Rights Governance: Evidence from a Homestead Land Titling Initiative
How and under what circumstances can civic mobilization improve local governance and service delivery? This project seeks to contribute to debates on this question through a multi-method analysis of a...
Sanjay Kumar
Andre Nickow
30 September, 2018
- IGC Research on India
Judicial Institutions and Economic Development: Examining Micro-evidence from India
This project examines the relationship between a country’s legal environment and its economic outcomes. This project will be constructing relevant measures of friction from trial level data at subor...
Aprajit Mahajan
30 September, 2018
- IGC Research on India
Do Indian voters mind their representatives getting rich in office?
Asset declarations, requiring politicians to disclose their financial information, are becoming increasingly common across the world. In India, financial declarations are part of public affidavits fil...
Simon Chauchard
S.P. Harish
Marko Klašnja
10 August, 2018
- Articles
How governance and public expenditure impact human development
The state of Madhya Pradesh displays wide variance in human development outcomes across its districts. This article examines the link between public expenditure, quality of governance, and human devel...
N. R. Bhanumurthy
Richa Jain
Manish Kumar Prasad
01 August, 2018
- Articles
Do dishonest people gravitate towards the public sector in India?
The corruption level in the public sector may not only depend on punishments and systems put in place to deter corruption, but also on who chooses to enter the sector. This article finds that people w...
Rema Hanna
Shing-Yi Wang
30 July, 2018
- Articles
The strategic logic of money flows in Indian elections
Why do political candidates give voters handouts during election campaigns, even when they are unable to monitor voter behaviour? Based on a qualitative study in Mumbai, this article argues that compe...
Simon Chauchard
16 July, 2018
- Articles
Protecting data privacy: Authorisation and access control
The B.N. Srikrishna Committee, which was constituted in August 2017 to draft India’s data protection laws, is expected to submit its final recommendations this month. In this post, Banerjee and Shar...
Subhashis Banerjee
Subodh V. Sharma
04 July, 2018
- Perspectives
Sunlight as disinfectant: Disclosure requirements and corruption in India
It is believed that transparency and free access to information can root out corruption and malfeasance in government. This article finds that the introduction of asset disclosure rules for candidates...
Raymond Fisman
22 June, 2018
- Articles
Enfranchising your own? Polling officer identity and electoral outcomes
The provision of free and fair elections is a public service critical to maintaining accountability and responsiveness of elected officials. This article examines the administration of polling station...
Yusuf Neggers
20 June, 2018
- Articles
Election by community consensus: Effects on political selection and governance
Multiple states in India incentivise village communities to elect their political representatives by community consensus, doing away with the need for state governments to organise official secret bal...
Ashna Arora
21 May, 2018
- Articles
New ideas for fighting corruption in India
Even as technological innovations have reduced petty bribery, it is clear that bigger forms of corruption are flourishing in India. In this post, Avinash Dixit and Ritika Mankar propose the formation ...
Avinash Dixit
Ritika Mankar
18 May, 2018
- Perspectives
Parikshit Ghosh speaks with Karl Ove Moene
There is a view that upsurge in inequality due to globalisation is leading to rising appeal of political platforms that promote inward-looking policies. In this podcast, Parikshit Ghosh (Member of the...
Parikshit Ghosh
Kalle Moene
23 April, 2018
- Podcasts
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Unique Health Identification and Aadhaar: A case for mandatory linkage
As part of the Digital India initiative, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) issues a Unique Health Identification (UHID) number to each patient, which documents their entire journey in th...
Mudit Kapoor
23 December, 2016
- Perspectives
Caste dominance in rural India: Cause and effect
Rural India remains a caste-based society. This column explores why caste continues to play such an important role and what the effects are. It argues that trade and agricultural productivity suffer, ...
Siwan Anderson
16 August, 2012
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The digital dream: Upskilling India for the future
While the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the pace at which technology is becoming commonplace in our lives, it has also exposed a stark digital divide, leaving a large proportion of India’s popul...
Venugopal Mothkoor
Fatima Mumtaz
23 March, 2021
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