Contributor : Profile
Mehtabul Azam is a Associate Professor at the Oklahoma State University and a Research Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). He obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from Southern Methodist University, USA and M.A. in Economics from Delhi School of Economics, India.
His primary interests are in the field of labour and development economics. Specific topics of interests include skills, education, mobility, poverty and social protection, and programme evaluation. He also has contributed in many reports published by the World Bank. In 2005, he was invited by the Government of India to serve on the Prime Minister’s High-Level Committee on the Social, Economic and Educational Status of the Muslim Community in India.
More information about his research is available at the following website:
Posts by Mehtabul Azam
क्या भारत में अंग्रेजी बोलना अधिक लाभकारी होता है?
भारत में आम धारणा है कि अंग्रेजी-भाषा कौशल से ही बड़े पैमाने पर आर्थिक प्रतिफल प्राप्त होते हैं। इस कॉलम में भारत में अंग्रेजी कौशल से वेतन प्रतिफल का अनुमान लगाया गया है, जिसमे यह पाया गया कि अंग्रे...
Mehtabul Azam
Aimee Chin
Nishith Prakash
04 सितंबर, 2020
- लेख
Assessing teacher quality in India
Research in the US has pointed out that the most important determinant of the quality of education is the quality of teachers but that students’ achievement is not linked to observable teacher char...
Mehtabul Azam
Geeta Gandhi Kingdon
16 February, 2015
- Articles
Defining Teacher Quality in India
Using administrative data from linked private schools from one of districts in India that matches 8,319 pupils to their subject-specific teachers at the senior secondary level, the project estimates t...
Mehtabul Azam
Geeta Gandhi Kingdon
31 December, 2014
- IGC Research on India
Does it pay to speak English in India?
There is a widely held belief that there are sizeable economic returns to English-language skills in India. This column seeks to estimate the wage returns to English skills in India. It is found that ...
Mehtabul Azam
Aimee Chin
Nishith Prakash
20 September, 2013
- Articles