Contributor : Profile
Ruchira Boss is a Research Analyst in the Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) at IFPRI. She is involved in the research and management of activities of projects under A4NH and in collaboration with other CGIAR centres in India. Boss holds a Masters in Development Studies from the Tata-Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai and a Bachelors in Economics (Hons.) from St. Xavier’s College, Jaipur. Her Masters dissertation was on the “Agrarian Crisis and Farmer Suicides in India with Emphasis on the Malwa Belt of Punjab”. Prior to joining IFPRI, she has worked with the Tata-Cornell Institute (TCI) as an Assistant Program Officer on its flagship project TARINA.
Posts by Ruchira Boss
सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली (पीडीएस), राष्ट्रीय खाद्य सुरक्षा अधिनियम और कोविड-19
2013 में लागू किया गया राष्ट्रीय खाद्य सुरक्षा अधिनियम (एनएफएसए) सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली (पीडीएस) में मूलभूत सुधार ले आया और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण इसके जरिये कानूनी रूप से भोजन का अधिकार' दिया गया। यह लेख ब...
Ruchira Boss
Mamata Pradhan
Devesh Roy
Sunil Saroj
31 अगस्त, 2021
- लेख
PDS, National Food Security Act, and Covid-19
Introduced in 2013, the National Food Security Act (NFSA) brought about fundamental reforms in the public distribution system (PDS) and most importantly, declared a legal ‘right to food’. Based on...
Ruchira Boss
Mamata Pradhan
Devesh Roy
Sunil Saroj
16 August, 2021
- Articles