Contributor : Profile
Devesh Roy is a Senior Research Fellow with a system wide programme of Agriculture for Nutrition and Health based in International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) office in New Delhi.
He earned his Ph.D. from University of Maryland College Park specialising in international trade. Prior to that he earned his master’s degree from Delhi School of Economics (DSE). His main area of research is agricultural markets where he focuses on the issues related to food safety. Recently he has started working on food systems for healthier diets. He has published several journal articles in the areas of international trade and domestic agricultural markets. He has published a peer reviewed book on trade and food security in South Asia, and completed another book, 'Pulses for Nutrition in India: Changing Patterns from Farm to Fork'. Apart from research work he is actively engaged in capacity strengthening, taking classes on issues and methods for young researchers. He has conducted training particularly on empirical trade analysis, food safety assessment and impact evaluation.
Posts by Devesh Roy
सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली (पीडीएस), राष्ट्रीय खाद्य सुरक्षा अधिनियम और कोविड-19
2013 में लागू किया गया राष्ट्रीय खाद्य सुरक्षा अधिनियम (एनएफएसए) सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली (पीडीएस) में मूलभूत सुधार ले आया और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण इसके जरिये कानूनी रूप से भोजन का अधिकार' दिया गया। यह लेख ब...
Ruchira Boss
Mamata Pradhan
Devesh Roy
Sunil Saroj
31 अगस्त, 2021
- लेख
PDS, National Food Security Act, and Covid-19
Introduced in 2013, the National Food Security Act (NFSA) brought about fundamental reforms in the public distribution system (PDS) and most importantly, declared a legal ‘right to food’. Based on...
Ruchira Boss
Mamata Pradhan
Devesh Roy
Sunil Saroj
16 August, 2021
- Articles
Impact of agricultural reforms in Bihar: Test case for new farm laws
The 2020 farm laws have been opposed by several farmers due to their possible use for corporate takeover of agriculture, removal of APMC mandis, and dilution of minimum support price and public procur...
Avinash Kishore
Prabhat Kishore
Devesh Roy
Sunil Saroj
11 June, 2021
- Articles
Sparking the #MeToo revolution in India: Delhi's 'Nirbhaya' case
In 2012, anger erupted on the streets of Delhi following the violent rape and murder of a young woman. This article estimates the impact of the incident on the reporting of crimes against women in Del...
Akshay Bhatnagar
Aparna Mathur
Abdul Munasib
Devesh Roy
29 April, 2019
- Articles