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Posts by M.R. Sharan

Is it better to be governed by an elected leader or appointed bureaucrat?

The division of governance functions and responsibilities between politicians and bureaucrats varies, both across and within political regimes. Based on an experiment in Karnataka, this article examin...

  • Articles

राजनीतिक आरक्षण के वितरणात्मक परिणाम

सन 2011 से 25 जनवरी को भारत में राष्ट्रीय मतदाता दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है ताकि 18 वर्ष की आयु पूरी करने वाले सभी मतदातों को मतदान के महत्त्व के बारे में जागरूक बनाया जाए। मतदान में हमेशा अनुसूचित...

  • लेख

The distributional consequences of political reservations

This article identifies and attempts to fill in the gaps in understanding the effects of reservations for Scheduled Castes (SCs) in Panchayats. Using data from a state-wide census, multiple administra...

  • Articles

The particulars of social policy in India: Evidence, State capacity, and policy design

Economist-activist Jean Drèze has argued that economists are no better equipped to comment on development policy design than other social science researchers and other stakeholders, and that policyma...

  • Perspectives

Does Female Leadership Impact on the Quality of Public Goods? Evidence from a Public Poverty Alleviation Programme in Andhra Pradesh, India

This project used the nationwide policy of randomly allocating village council headships to women to identify the impact of female political leadership on the governance of projects implemented under ...

  • IGC Research on India