Contributor : Profile
Sam is an assistant professor in the Department of International Economics at Johns Hopkins SAIS. Prior to this he was an economist at the Development Research Group (DECRG) at the World Bank. He is also an associate of the Center for International Development (Harvard University) and an affiliate at the Centre for Policy Research (New Delhi). He received his Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University and was then a postdoctoral research fellow in the Economics Department and Nuffield College, University of Oxford.
His research focuses on economic development, with a particular interest in political economy and the constraints faced by firms. He is also starting new work on patterns of urbanisation, including the spatial distribution of economic activity in Indian cities. Most of his work is on India, where he has been working since 2005, although he is in the early phases of work on the determinants of infrastructure costs in East Africa.
Posts by Samuel Asher
The long-run effects of agricultural productivity gains: Evidence from irrigation canals in India
Evidence from canals in India shows that labour mobility is a key channel to agricultural growth. This article shows that villages with access to canal water have persistently higher agricultural yiel...
- Samuel Asher Alison Campion Douglas Gollin Paul Novosad
- 21 October, 2022
- Articles
Digging for dirt: Rent-seeking among elected politicians in India’s mineral belt
The Indian mining industry is no stranger to corruption scandals and every year dozens of environmental activists are murdered for exposing illegal mining activities. This article discusses the impact...
- Samuel Asher Paul Novosad
- 10 November, 2020
- Articles
The SHRUG: A new high-resolution data platform for research on India
The Socioeconomic High-resolution Rural-Urban Geographic Dataset on India (SHRUG) is a new data source that describes socioeconomic development in India. In this post, Asher, Lunt, and Novosad describ...
- Samuel Asher Tobias Lunt Paul Novosad
- 13 March, 2020
- Perspectives
Do ruling coalition-affiliated MLAs bring more development to their constituencies?
Despite the dismantling of the License Raj in the 1990s, interaction with government officials remains an important impediment to doing business in India. This column analyses the role of politics in...
- Samuel Asher Paul Novosad
- 22 June, 2015
- Articles
Rapid Response Project on Indian Firm Data
In March 2015, IGC organised a Workshop on Industry Data, held in Delhi. The workshop provided an opportunity for academics, policy makers and government agencies to discuss difficulties they face wit...
- Samuel Asher Paul Novosad
- 31 March, 2015
- IGC Research on India