Contributor : Profile
Laura Zimmermann is an assistant professor in the Departmentof Economics and the Department of International Affairs at the University of Georgia. She received her PhD and M.A. in Economics from the University ofMichigan, and a BA in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) from theUniversity of Oxford. Her fields of interest are Development Economics, LabourEconomics, and Political Economy. Her research interests include the impacts ofpoverty-alleviation programs in developing countries, the effects of weathershocks and natural disasters, and the causes and consequences ofintra-household discrimination. Her recent work explores the labor market andpolitical economy impacts of India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme.Other papers and current projects focus on living arrangements and issues ofintra-household allocation of resources in India andSub-Saharan Africa, agricultural productivity in India, and early childdevelopment in Indonesia.
Posts by Laura Zimmermann
बेटियों को सशक्त बनाना : सशर्त नकद हस्तांतरण किस प्रकार से पारम्परिक मानदंडों को बदल सकते हैं
हर साल 24 जनवरी को राष्ट्रीय बालिका दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है। इस दिन की स्थापना 2008 में भारत सरकार के महिला एवं बाल विकास मंत्रालय ने लड़कियों को सशक्त बनाने और उनकी सुरक्षा के महत्व के बारे में ...
Nabaneeta Biswas
Christopher Cornwell
Laura Zimmermann
24 जनवरी, 2025
- लेख
Empowering daughters: How conditional cash transfers can shift cultural norms
During the last 30 years, Indian governments have implemented over 20 programmes that reward parents who have daughters and invest in them after birth. Yet, very little is known about these programmes...
Nabaneeta Biswas
Christopher Cornwell
Laura Zimmermann
18 December, 2024
- Articles
Do value-added taxes benefit firms? Evidence from the adoption of state-specific value-added taxes
Value-added tax (VAT) systems have grown popular in the last 30 years, especially among developing countries looking for ways to raise tax revenue efficiently. Using 2000-2012 data on product, state-s...
David Agrawal
Laura Zimmermann
25 May, 2022
- Articles
Are transparency and accountability enough? Open corruption and why it exists
While India’s federal anti-corruption ombudsmen have just taken up their work, awareness of the complexity of corruption is growing. This article studies whether highly accountable Indian village co...
Dahyeon Jeong
Ajay Shenoy
Laura Zimmermann
18 April, 2019
- Articles
Production responses and tax evasion with limited State capacity: Evidence from major reform in India
Although VAT eliminates the double taxation of inputs of the retail sales system, which enhances growth, it may increase the number of firms in the informal sector. This makes it very important, from ...
David Agrawal
Laura Zimmermann
31 October, 2017
- IGC Research on India
Production Responses and Tax Evasion with Limited State Capacity - Evidence from Major Reform in India
This project explores: what is the effect of switching from a retail sales tax to a VAT in a country with limited tax capacity and a large informal economy? The project explores this question through...
David Agrawal
Laura Zimmermann
31 October, 2017
- IGC Research on India
MNREGA's impact on rural labour markets
In this article, Laura Zimmermann, Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Georgia, provides an overview of the research on the impact of the initial phase of MNREGA on rural labour mark...
Laura Zimmermann
14 March, 2016
- Articles
Maoist violence and MNREGA
The spate of Maoist attacks on security personnel in Chhattisgarh this week serves as a reminder that Moaist insurgency is the single biggest internal security threat faced by India. This column anal...
Gaurav Khanna
Laura Zimmermann
15 April, 2015
- Articles