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Posts by Harsh Vardhan
The silent reshaping of India’s credit landscape
India’s credit landscape has been undergoing major changes in recent years. In this post, Sengupta and Vardhan discuss five key trends – consumerisation of bank credit, decline in bank deposits, g...
- Rajeswari Sengupta Harsh Vardhan
- 20 May, 2024
- Perspectives
The post-pandemic credit landscape in India
The economic shock caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and longstanding structural issues like the NPA crisis with its associated risk aversion in the banking sector resulted in low bank credit growth in...
- Rajeswari Sengupta Harsh Vardhan
- 08 May, 2023
- Articles
एमएसएमई को जमानती (कोलेटरल) ऋण दिए जाने से जुड़ा कम उत्पादकता जाल
महामारी के दौरान एमएसएमई को दिए गए बैंक ऋण की हिस्सेदारी में वृद्धि हुई है। इस लेख में, हर्ष वर्धन ने इस वृद्धि के संभावित चालक के रूप में बैंक ऋणों की सरकारी गारंटी के बारे में चर्चा की है। वह जमानती...
- Harsh Vardhan
- 10 नवंबर, 2022
- लेख
The low productivity trap of collateralised lending for MSMEs
The share of bank credit extended to MSMEs increased dramatically during the pan-demic. In this post, Harsh Vardhan discusses the the government guarantee of bank loans as a possible driver of this gr...
- Harsh Vardhan
- 07 October, 2022
- Perspectives
Thinking about financial sector reforms in India
A key element of the economy that needs to function well in order to facilitate India’s strong and sustained recovery from the pandemic is the financial system. In this post, Sengupta and Vardhan d...
- Rajeswari Sengupta Harsh Vardhan
- 15 November, 2021
- Perspectives
‘Consumerisation’ of banking in India: Cyclical or structural?
Over the past decade, India’s banking sector has undergone a transformation in terms of the proportion of credit extended to consumers and industry – with consumer credit now accounting for a larg...
- Rajeswari Sengupta Harsh Vardhan
- 23 July, 2021
- Perspectives
A decade of credit collapse in India
The government and the Central Bank have undertaken various measures to protect the banking and finance sector from the adverse impact of the Covid-19 crisis. However, despite historically low interes...
- Harsh Vardhan
- 25 June, 2021
- Perspectives
Of twists and turns: Monetary policy and ‘term premium’
As India’s economic growth slowed down in recent years, the reliance on monetary policy to stimulate growth increased significantly – especially during the pandemic. Analysing data from 2018-2020,...
- Rajeswari Sengupta Harsh Vardhan
- 03 March, 2021
- Perspectives
Covid-19 crisis: Response should not undermine institutions
The unprecedented economic crisis triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in calls for drastic actions on part of the government and RBI. In this post, Sengupta and Vardhan content that these ...
- Rajeswari Sengupta Harsh Vardhan
- 15 December, 2020
- Perspectives
Productivity growth in Indian banking: Who gained?
Since the deregulation and privatisation reforms of the early 1990s, Indian banking has witnessed many significant changes. This article finds that the sector experienced steady productivity growth un...
- Rajeswari Sengupta Harsh Vardhan
- 07 July, 2020
- Articles
The pandemic and the package
The government has announced a package of fiscal and monetary policy actions, and broader economic reforms to set the economy back on track after the Covid-19 lockdown. In this post, Sengupta and Vard...
- Rajeswari Sengupta Harsh Vardhan
- 04 June, 2020
- Articles
Policymaking at a time of high risk-aversion
The key issues in the Indian financial sector in general, and banking in particular, are bearing risk and allocating capital. These are especially important now as India enters into a prolonged phase ...
- Rajeswari Sengupta Harsh Vardhan
- 06 April, 2020
- Perspectives