Contributor : Profile
Yves Zenou is a Professor of Economics and holds the Richard Snape Chair in Business and Economics at Monash University since January 2016. Yves Zenou is also affiliated to the Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Stockholm, the Center for Economic Policy Research, London) and the Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn). He is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Southampton.
He is Elected Fellow of the Econometric Society, Elected Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, Fellow of the Regional Science Association International, and he received the 2018 Dean's Award for Excellence in Research at Monash University.
He is currently an Associate Editor at Regional Science and Urban Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, IZA Journal of Migration, and Annals of Economics and Statistics. He was previously the Editor of Regional Science and Urban Economics (2007-2017) and an Associate Editor at the Journal of the European Economic Association (2012-2017), the Journal of Urban Economics (2004-2018), and the Journal of Public Economic Theory (2010-2020).
Posts by Yves Zenou
भेदभाव में लिंग-जाति अंतर्विरोध: क्या मरीज़ डॉक्टर की सामाजिक पहचान की परवाह करते हैं?
भारत में सामाजिक पहचान पर आधारित भेदभाव व्यापक रूप में फैला होने की वजह से, भेदभाव में जाति-लिंग अंतर्विरोध के अध्ययन हेतु एक अनूठी सेटिंग उपलब्ध होती है। यह लेख, उत्तर प्रदेश में किये गए एक क्षेत्रीय...
Asad Islam
Debayan Pakrashi
Soubhagya Sahoo
Liang Choon Wang
Yves Zenou
20 जनवरी, 2022
- लेख
Gender-caste intersectionality in discrimination: Do patients care about doctor’s social identity?
Due to widespread prevalence of discrimination based on social identity, India provides a unique setting for studying caste-gender intersectionality in discrimination. Based on a field experiment in U...
Asad Islam
Debayan Pakrashi
Soubhagya Sahoo
Liang Choon Wang
Yves Zenou
12 January, 2022
- Articles