Contributor : Profile
Sonalde Desai is a Professor of Sociology at University of Maryland with joint appointment as a Senior Fellow at the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), New Delhi. She received a Ph.D. from Stanford University and post-doctoral training at University of Chicago and The RAND Corporation.
She is a demographer whose work deals primarily with human development in developing countries with a particular focus on gender and class inequalities. She studies employment, education and maternal and child health outcomes by locating them within the policy discourse and political economy of the region. While much of her research focuses on India, she has also undertaken comparative studies across South Asia, Latin America and Sub Saharan Africa.
Posts by Sonalde Desai
बदलते समाज में सामाजिक सुरक्षा जाल पर पुनर्विचार करना
इस लेख के सह-लेखक देबाशीष बारिक, पल्लवी चौधरी, बिजय चौहान, ओम प्रकाश शर्मा, दिनेश कुमार तिवारी (एनसीएईआर) और शरण शर्मा (मैरीलैंड कॉलेज पार्क विश्वविद्यालय और एनसीएईआर) हैं। ऐतिहासिक रूप से सामाजिक सु...
- Sonalde Desai
- 25 जुलाई, 2024
- लेख
Rethinking social safety nets in a changing society
This paper was coauthored by Debasis Barik, Pallavi Choudhuri, Bijay Chouhan, Om Prakash Sharma, Dinesh Kumar Tiwari (NCAER) and Sharan Sharma (University of Maryland College Park and NCAER). Histori...
- Sonalde Desai
- 15 July, 2024
- Articles
Managing India’s demographic transition
India’s population is expected to peak at about 1.7 billion in 2064, and while the current median age is only 28, the share of Indians aged 65 and above will go from 7% to 20% in the next 40 years o...
- Farzana Afridi Sonalde Desai
- 03 July, 2024
- Videos
Managing India’s demographic transition
India’s population is expected to peak at about 1.7 billion in 2064, and while the current median age is only 28, the share of Indians aged 65 and above will go from 7% to 20% in the next 40 years o...
- Farzana Afridi Sonalde Desai
- 03 July, 2024
- Podcasts
शहरी अपवर्जन (बहिष्करण): कोविड-19 के मद्देनजर भारत में सामाजिक सुरक्षा पर पुनर्विचार करना
कोविड-19 के शुरुआती दिनों में लॉकडाउन के कारण हुई आर्थिक असुरक्षा के चलते कई परिवार अपनी उपभोग जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए सरकारी कल्याणकारी योजनाओं पर निर्भर रहने के लिए मजबूर हुए। यह लेख दिल्ली एनसी...
- Pallavi Choudhuri Sonalde Desai Santanu Pramanik
- 07 जुलाई, 2022
- लेख
Urban exclusion: Rethinking social protection in India in the wake of Covid-19
Economic insecurity caused by lockdowns during the early days of Covid-19 forced many households to rely on government welfare schemes to fulfil their consumption needs. Using data from the June 2020 ...
- Pallavi Choudhuri Sonalde Desai Santanu Pramanik
- 13 June, 2022
- Articles
Declining female labour force participation in rural India: The demand side
National Sample Survey data shows a decline in rural women’s workforce participation between 2004-05 and 2011-12. Rising rural incomes and women’s education over the same period have been taken a...
- Sonalde Desai
- 07 March, 2017
- Articles
Of Picasso and Cezanne: Early achievers vs. late bloomers
Children learn at different paces – some are early achievers while others bloom late. In this article, Desai and Vanneman, Professors of Sociology at University of Maryland, present evidence to sho...
- Sonalde Desai Reeve Vanneman
- 24 November, 2015
- Articles