Contributor : Profile
Sangita Vyas is an applied microeconomist specializing in development economics and demography. She teaches an undergraduate course in statistics and a PhD course in demographic methods. She was previously the Associate Director of Sanitation at Rice Institute where she conducted experimental and observational research on sanitation and advocated for better sanitation policies in India. Prior to Rice, Sangita worked with the Centre for Microfinance, where she oversaw a randomised evaluation of a rainfall insurance programme implemented by the Self-Employed Women’s Association in Gujarat. She is a co-author of a systematic review of index-based micro-insurance for managing weather-related risk.
Sangita holds a BS with a concentration in Finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, an MPA from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School, and a PhD in Economics from the University of Texas at Austin.
Posts by Sangita Vyas
क्या ग्रामीण उत्तर भारत में अभी भी खुले में शौच प्रचलित है?
स्वच्छ भारत मिशन के बाद चार फोकस वाले राज्यों में प्रचलित खुले में शौच को समझने की कोशिश में, व्यास और गुप्ता एनएफएचएस-5 के निष्कर्षों का मूल्यांकन करते हैं। वे पाते हैं कि पारिवारिक स्तर पर एकत्र किए...
- Aashish Gupta Sangita Vyas
- 23 फ़रवरी, 2023
- लेख
Is open defecation still prevalent in rural north India?
In an attempt to understand open defecation in four focus states in the aftermath of the Swachh Bharat Mission, Vyas and Gupta evaluate the findings of the NFHS-5. They note that the NFHS is likely to...
- Aashish Gupta Sangita Vyas
- 20 January, 2023
- Articles
बच्चों के स्वास्थ्य पर कोयले का प्रभाव: भारत के कोयला विस्तार से साक्ष्य
हाल के वर्षों में, भारत में कोयले से हो रहे बिजली उत्पादन में बड़ी तेजी से बढ़ोतरी हुई है। यह लेख भारत में कोयले से होने वाले बिजली उत्पादन से बच्चों के स्वास्थ्य और मानव संसाधन पर पड़ने वाले प्रभावों ...
- Sangita Vyas
- 24 मार्च, 2020
- लेख
The child health impacts of coal: Evidence from India’s coal expansion
In recent years, electricity generation from coal has rapidly increased in India. This article explores the consequences of India’s large and ongoing coal plant expansion on child health and human c...
- Sangita Vyas
- 28 February, 2020
- Articles
How serious is the government about Swachh Bharat Mission?
The recently announced Union budget 2015-16 has reduced the central government allocation for Swachh Bharat Mission – the flagship sanitation programme of the government. In this article, Sangita V...
- Sangita Vyas
- 20 March, 2015
- Perspectives
Why are children in India so short?
Several scholars across disciplines provide converging evidence of the key role of open defecation in explaining child stunting in India. This column summarises the key themes of a recent conference a...
- Sangita Vyas
- 19 August, 2013
- Articles