Contributor : Profile
S. Subramanian is a retired professor from the Madras Institute of Development Studies (MIDS), and a former Indian Council of Social Science Research National Fellow. He is an elected Fellow of the Human Development and Capabilities Association, and a member of the advisory board of the World Bank’s Commission on Global Poverty. His work has been on aspects of social and economic measurement, collective choice theory, and development economics. He is the author of, among other books, Rights, Deprivation, and Disparity: Essays in Concepts and Measurement; The Poverty Line; and Economic Offences (Oxford University Press, Delhi: 2006, 2012 and 2013 respectively).
Posts by S. Subramanian
Covid-19 and other diseases: An ‘Animal Farm’ perspective
Debraj Ray and S Subramanian contend that despite the apparent sentiment of ‘we are all in this together’, the global burdens of Covid-19 and the global benefits of anti-Covid-19 policy have been ...
Debraj Ray
S. Subramanian
23 February, 2021
- Perspectives
On India’s ‘low’ Covid-19 case fatality rate
India’s Covid-19 case fatality rate is impressively low at 1.7%, compared to the world average of 4%. This apparently superior performance could, however, simply be a product of three factors: the c...
Minu Philip
Debraj Ray
S. Subramanian
22 September, 2020
- Articles
India’s Covid-19 lockdown: An interim report
In an earlier paper, Debraj Ray and S. Subramanian had argued that in developing countries like India, a perspective of "lives versus lives" may be needed to evaluate the virtues of a stringent lockdo...
Debraj Ray
S. Subramanian
26 May, 2020
- Perspectives
क्या एक व्यापक लॉकडाउन का कोई उचित विकल्प है?
कोविड-19 के खिलाफ भारत की लड़ाई में, हम दो विकल्पों में से अनिवार्यत: एक का चयन कर रहे हैं, एक ओर सामाजिक दूरी और दूसरी ओर लोगों को अपनी आजीविका से वंचित करना। सामान्य तथा अनिवार्य लॉकडाउन की अस्थिरत...
Debraj Ray
S. Subramanian
01 अप्रैल, 2020
- दृष्टिकोण
Covid-19: Is there a reasonable alternative to a comprehensive lockdown?
In India’s battle against Covid-19, we are inevitably confronted by the choice between social distancing on the one hand, and denying people their livelihood on the other. Recognising the unsustaina...
Debraj Ray
S. Subramanian
28 March, 2020
- Perspectives
What is happening to rural welfare, poverty, and inequality in India?
An analysis of the draft National Statistical Office report that the Government has decided not to put out shows a deterioration in 2017-18 in consumption and poverty levels in rural India. The reason...
S. Subramanian
10 January, 2020
- Articles
‘न्याय’ विचार-गोष्ठी: वित्तपोषण के लिए करों की जांच-पड़ताल अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण
इंडियन काउंसिल ऑफ सोशल साइंस रिसर्च के पूर्व नैशनल फैलो प्रोफेसर एस. सुब्रामनियन ने आय अंतरण योजना को समायोजित करने के लिए बढ़े कराधान और वांछित वृद्धि के संभावित स्तर के लिए कुछ अनुमान करने के प्रश्न...
S. Subramanian
22 मई, 2019
- दृष्टिकोण
NYAY e-Symposium: Crucial to look into taxes for financing
Prof. S. Subramanian (National Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science Research) emphasises the importance of dealing directly with the question of enhanced taxation and some estimate of the likely o...
S. Subramanian
03 May, 2019
- Articles
The 'poverty line' - III
In the last of a three-part series on the poverty line, Prof. S. Subramanian, former National Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science Research, discusses how the official methodology of poverty meas...
S. Subramanian
27 May, 2016
- Perspectives
The 'poverty line' - II
In the second of a three-part series on the poverty line, Prof. S. Subramanian, former National Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science Research, argues that there is a built-in incentive for officia...
S. Subramanian
26 May, 2016
- Perspectives
The 'poverty line' - I
In the first of a three-part series on the poverty line, Prof. S. Subramanian, former National Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science Research, contends that the term should not be bandied about fr...
S. Subramanian
25 May, 2016
- Perspectives
The coexistence of prosperity and poverty in India
Credit Suisse recently reported that the richest 10% Indians own about 75% of the country’s wealth, highlighting the growing problem of inequality. This column presents trends in inequality in Indi...
Dhairiyarayar Jayaraj
S. Subramanian
21 October, 2015
- Articles