Contributor : Profile
Revathy Suryanarayana has a B.A. in Economics from Lady Sri Ram College, Delhi University, and a Masters in Economics from University of Warwick. She is a current graduate student at the Policy Analysis and Management Department, Cornell University. Her research interests lie in labour economics, education and health economics, and economics of gender. of gender, and network economics.
Posts by Revathy Suryanarayana
जनभाषा? मातृभाषा में पढ़ाई शिक्षा को कैसे प्रभावित करती है
2016 में जारी किए किए गए राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति के प्रारूप में मातृभाषा में शिक्षा, खास कर स्कूल के रचनात्मक वर्षों के दौरान मातृभाषा में शिक्षा के महत्व पर जोर दिया गया था। इस कॉलम में दक्षिणी भारत की...
Tarun Jain
Revathy Suryanarayana
12 जून, 2019
- लेख
Designing India’s national healthcare protection: Challenges and opportunities
The burden of non-communicable diseases, requiring costly hospital-based treatment, is increasing in India, and only 15% of the population has health insurance coverage. The Modi government recently i...
Sisir Debnath
Tarun Jain
Dibya Mishra
Revathy Suryanarayana
27 August, 2018
- Perspectives
Common tongue? How mother tongue instruction influences education
The recently released draft of the National Education Policy stresses the importance of education in the mother tongue, especially in the formative years at school. This column seeks to uncover the li...
Tarun Jain
Revathy Suryanarayana
27 February, 2017
- Perspectives