Contributor : Profile
Nils Enevoldsen is an independent research consultant. He was formerly a research fellow at Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD) at Harvard Kennedy School. His work focusses on empirical economic development and empirical political economy. He has a B.S. in Economics from the University of Washington.
Posts by Nils Enevoldsen
केवल विकास ही नहीं: गरीबी दूर करने में पुनर्वितरण का महत्व
हाल के अध्ययनों से इस बात की पुष्टि मिलती है कि विकासशील देशों में नीतियां और संस्थान विश्व के संपन्न देशों के अनुरूप बदल रहे हैं और इसी वजह से इन देशों की प्रति-व्यक्ति आय औद्योगीकृत देशों के बराबर ह...
Nils Enevoldsen
Rohini Pande
08 नवंबर, 2021
- दृष्टिकोण
Not by growth alone: The salience of redistribution in poverty eradication
Recent studies posit that per capita incomes of developing countries are finally on track to catch up to those of industrialised countries. In this post, Enevoldsen and Pande contend that this country...
Nils Enevoldsen
Rohini Pande
18 October, 2021
- Perspectives