Productivity & Innovation
Intervention design of Integrated Performance Management System (IPMS) for ICDS
15 September, 2014
- IGC Research on India
Leakages from the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) have compromised the effectiveness of the programme. The study proposed a new design for an effective monitoring system for the ICDS programme in Bihar. With Integrated Performance Management System (IPMS), the ICDS will use technology-based solutions to create top-down and bottom-up channels of information which are actionable, frequent, verifiable, and accurate. This project prepares design on three of the IPMS’ four components: (1) frontline worker (Sevika) self-reporting; (2) supervisor monitoring; and (3) community grievance redressal and feedback. The design proposed in this paper aims to improve the ICDS service delivery, resulting in better beneficiary outcomes in Bihar.
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