Street safety and girls’ secondary schooling in India
Street harassment in India is still a constraint on women's education, dimming their future. Analysing the case of ‘SHE teams’ in the state of Telangana, this article shows that the introduction o...
- Kumar Ashutosh
- 25 November, 2024
- Articles
Moratorium on new subsidies to garner resources for public spending on health
Employability is fundamentally driven by human capital development, encompassing health and education. Based on analysis of data from about 100 economies, Shishir Gupta argues that in India, the lack ...
- Shishir Gupta
- 23 October, 2024
- Perspectives
Managing India’s demographic transition
India’s population is expected to peak at about 1.7 billion in 2064, and while the current median age is only 28, the share of Indians aged 65 and above will go from 7% to 20% in the next 40 years o...
- Farzana Afridi Sonalde Desai
- 03 July, 2024
- Videos
Ending undernutrition: In clear sight?
The World Health Assembly is targeting a decline of 100 million in the number of stunted under-five children by 2025; a 10% decline in stunting rates in India by 2014 can close a fifth of the gap. Th...
- Lawrence Haddad
- 30 June, 2014
- Perspectives
Impact of Community Health Workers on childhood immunisation: Evidence from India's ASHAs
A key component of the National Rural Health Mission launched by the Indian government in 2005 was the introduction of a cadre of village-level Community Health Workers known as ASHAs. This column an...
- Tanvi Rao
- 27 June, 2014
- Articles
What explains declining calorie consumption in India?
It is puzzling to note that while real household expenditures and incomes in rural India have been on the rise, average calorie intake has declined. Analysing data from the National Sample Survey, th...
- Amit Basole Deepankar Basu
- 16 June, 2014
- Articles
Education for all: Fixing classroom processes
While India has achieved near universal enrolment in schools, the quality of education is far from satisfactory. There is an urgent need to change classroom processes to ensure that those who go to s...
- Amarjeet Sinha
- 11 June, 2014
- Notes from the Field
The nutrition puzzles: Need for more holistic solutions
In this column, the author critiques the approach of only focusing on nutrition and health sector-related solutions for achieving food security. She calls for more holistic approaches that take into a...
- Uma Lele
- 28 April, 2014
- Articles
Giving up too early on malnourished children? Catch-up growth and Midday Meals
It is widely believed that malnourishment in the first few years of childhood adversely affects cognition and adult economic outcomes. This column presents new research which shows that full recovery...
- Abhijeet Singh
- 14 April, 2014
- Articles
Study of the Regulatory and Operational Structure of the Higher Education Sector in India
Recent research has drawn attention to the massive demand for higher education that will be seen in the next decade in India. This underscores the need for capacity building, the need for private part...
- Parth J. Shah
- 23 February, 2014
- IGC Research on India
Restoring dignity to the teaching profession in India
It is unfortunate that the teaching profession in India is no longer considered an attractive career option by young, bright people. This article outlines a plan to make teaching a more viable profes...
- Ashish Dhawan
- 07 February, 2014
- Perspectives
Building an inclusive and high-performing school system
Clause 12 of the Right to Education Act aims to reduce social stratification in education by requiring private schools to reserve one-fourth of their seats for economically weaker students, with the ...
- Karthik Muralidharan
- 29 January, 2014
- Articles
Sanitation in India: First things first
Recent research points towards the role of poor sanitation in ill health and stunting. This column demonstrates the negative impact of open defecation habits and poor nutritional status on the height...
- Jeffrey Hammer
- 27 January, 2014
- Articles
Understanding the relative effectiveness of government and private schools in India
Data suggests a steady increase in the share of students attending private schools in rural India. This column analyses data from the largest and longest evaluation of a school choice programme in In...
- Karthik Muralidharan
- 22 January, 2014
- Articles
Searching for the 'silver bullet': What works in improving children's learning outcomes?
Children’s learning outcomes in primary schools in India are far from satisfactory. In this article, Rukmini Banerji explores the various theories of change and associated implementation strategies...
- Rukmini Banerji
- 06 January, 2014
- Notes from the Field
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Hindu-Muslim fertility differentials in India: District-level estimates from Census 2011
The 2011 Indian Census data show a higher growth rate of Muslim population compared to the Hindu population. This article provides an in-depth picture of Hindu-Muslim fertility differentials at the di...
- Saswata Ghosh
- 27 March, 2019
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Ten steps to transform the quality of education in India
In this article, Sridhar Rajagopalan, Managing Director of Educational Initiatives, suggests 10 initiatives that can help transform the quality of education in India.
- Sridhar Rajagopalan
- 19 November, 2015
- Perspectives
Understanding India’s mental health crisis
Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, several reports have indicated a worsening of mental health issues among individuals across age groups. In this post, Michele Mary Bernadine examines the stat...
- Michele Mary Bernadine
- 06 April, 2021
- Perspectives