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Powering progress: How reliable community electrification boosts women’s autonomy

While there has been significant progress in expanding access to grid electricity in India, the reliability of electricity remains a concern. Based on five national-level datasets spanning over a peri...

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Competitive jobseekers: When sharing less leaves firms at a loss

For efficient matching of jobs and workers in the labour market, it is essential that information on job postings reaches suitable jobseekers. While social networks play a key role in this regard, com...

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Moratorium on new subsidies to garner resources for public spending on health

Employability is fundamentally driven by human capital development, encompassing health and education. Based on analysis of data from about 100 economies, Shishir Gupta argues that in India, the lack ...

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Using geospatial methods in estimating exposure to open defecation

Eliminating open defecation is an important policy priority in India. In this article, Arya, George and Singh from the Centre for Policy Research, illustrate how using readily available geospatial dat...

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Water quality awareness and behaviour change

Universal access to clean water is far from a reality in many developing countries. This column examines a nationwide information campaign that attempted to minimise the use of arsenic-contaminated tu...

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Maternity entitlements for healthier babies

The National Food Security Act, 2013 provides for a maternity benefit of not less than Rs. 6,000 for every pregnant and lactating mother in India. In this article, Coffey and Hathi explain why materni...

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The growing problem of excess weight in India

The Indian population is increasingly becoming overweight or obese, and this phenomenon is likely to impose a considerable health burden in the future. Analysing data from the Indian Human Development...

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Ensuring access to medicines through PPPs

To address the issue of low access to basic medicines by the general public, the state government of West Bengal introduced Fair Price Medicine Shops in secondary and tertiary hospitals through a Publ...

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India's informal doctors: Assets, not crooks

Informal healthcare providers are the most common, and sometimes the only source of healthcare, in much of rural India. In this post, Jishnu Das of the World Bank argues that informal providers should...

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What are schools worth?

Since large-scale expansions in education impact both individual behaviours and labour markets, convincing causal estimates of their overall benefits are hard to generate. Analysing the overall econom...

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Early life nutrition and future educational outcomes: Findings from ICDS

Integrated Child Development Services – India’s flagship child nutrition programme – has recently suffered a major cut in funding. This column shows that supplementary nutrition provided under t...

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Public health insurance for tertiary diseases: Lessons from Andhra's Aarogyasri programme

Private health insurance covering tertiary diseases is limited to the upper middle class in India. One reason for low take-up of publicly-financed health insurance among economically weaker sections i...

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The less the merrier? Family size and education in India

In the face of financial constraints, children from larger families are expected to have relatively less education and poor health. This column explores the empirical relevance this ‘quantity-qualit...

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Social influences and public health insurance utilisation

In developing countries there are often limited formal sources of information about programme benefits or how to access them. Social networks might influence adoption by providing more programme inf...

  • IGC Research on India

Causes and consequences of low caloric intake in India: Nutrition, productivity, and cognition

Many of the world’s poor consume very few calories. Because calories are not just consumption, but also an input into production, this low consumption may dampen labour productivity and impede decis...

  • IGC Research on India

Recent Contributors


Anirban Mukherjee

University of Calcutta


Tanika Chakraborty

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta


Titir Bhattacharya

University of Warwick


Debayan Pakrashi

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


Sarani Saha

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


Ashish Sedai

Colorado State University


Rikhia Bhukta

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


Laura Zimmermann

University of Georgia

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