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Powering progress: How reliable community electrification boosts women’s autonomy

While there has been significant progress in expanding access to grid electricity in India, the reliability of electricity remains a concern. Based on five national-level datasets spanning over a peri...

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Competitive jobseekers: When sharing less leaves firms at a loss

For efficient matching of jobs and workers in the labour market, it is essential that information on job postings reaches suitable jobseekers. While social networks play a key role in this regard, com...

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Moratorium on new subsidies to garner resources for public spending on health

Employability is fundamentally driven by human capital development, encompassing health and education. Based on analysis of data from about 100 economies, Shishir Gupta argues that in India, the lack ...

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Leaving stunting behind: Evidence from ethnic Indians in England

Despite impressive rates of economic growth in recent decades, India remains one of the worst-performing countries worldwide in terms of height, among children and adults. This column shows that heigh...

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Smart policy for women's economic empowerment in South Asia

In this article, Jennifer Johnson and Nalini Gulati highlight the different trajectories of women’s economic empowerment across South Asia, based on a recent policy dialogue hosted by Evidence for ...

  • Perspectives

On Delhi's mohalla clinics

The Delhi government planned to set up 1,000 mohalla or community clinics in the state by end-2016, but only one-tenth of the target was met in the proposed timeline. In this article, public health ex...

  • Perspectives

Kanyashree Prakalpa in West Bengal: Justification and evaluation

Kanyasree Prakalpa is a conditional cash transfer scheme of the Government of West Bengal that offers scholarship to adolescent girls for continuing education and remaining unmarried until the age of ...

  • IGC Research on India

Risks and Investment in Education

This project analysed the effects of household income risk on schooling investment in rural India. The findings from this project suggest that income risk faced by poorer households is an important re...

  • IGC Research on India

Promoting excellence in higher education in India

Over the years, the entire system of higher education in India has relentlessly bled talent. In this article, Abhijit Banerjee, Professor of Economics at MIT, discusses why this is so, and what can be...

  • Perspectives

Common tongue? How mother tongue instruction influences education

The recently released draft of the National Education Policy stresses the importance of education in the mother tongue, especially in the formative years at school. This column seeks to uncover the li...

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Leveraging patients' social networks to overcome Tuberculosis under-detection in India: A field experiment

An estimated 3.5 million people in India suffer from Tuberculosis (TB). The disease is under-detected, which is a major challenge because the success of any treatment programme rests crucially on ide...

  • IGC Research on India

School consolidation in Himachal Pradesh: Achieving quality and inclusion

While the emphasis on neighbourhood schooling in India’s education policy over the past 15 years has increased enrolment, it has also contributed to a proliferation of poor quality, small schools. T...

  • Perspectives

Peer influence and human capital accumulation: Evidence from Delhi University colleges

College is an important milestone in life that is believed to develop several aspects of an individual's human capital, broadly defined to include both cognitive and socio-emotional traits. Consequen...

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Understaffed, underserved: Human problems of India's public health system

India’s progress in reducing infant and maternal mortality is rather slow. This column shows the extent of shortfall of gynaecologists and auxiliary nurse midwives - the frontline of the battle agai...

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Whither female disadvantage? An analysis of private school enrolment in India

Given the poor condition of government schools and the perceived efficiency of private schools, Indian parents are increasingly choosing to send their children to private schools. This column examines...

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Recent Contributors


Anirban Mukherjee

University of Calcutta


Tanika Chakraborty

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta


Titir Bhattacharya

University of Warwick


Debayan Pakrashi

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


Sarani Saha

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


Ashish Sedai

Colorado State University


Rikhia Bhukta

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


Laura Zimmermann

University of Georgia

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