Tag Search: “urbanisation”
Urbanisation, gender, and social change: Intra-marital hierarchies and perceptions about working mothers
Women in India spend thrice as much time doing unpaid domestic work compared to the men in their household, and twice as much time on care-giving activities for children and dependent adults. Based on...
Shubhangi Karia
Tanvi Mehta
09 December, 2021
- Articles
Urbanisation, gender, and social change: Why is female labour force participation so low in India?
India’s low female labour force participation is a complex social phenomenon, resulting from – among other things – patriarchal norms, rural-urban transitions, and a mismatch of supply and demand fact...
Deepaboli Chatterjee
Neelanjan Sircar
06 December, 2021
- Articles
Introduction to e-Symposium: Urbanisation, gender, and social change in north India
Urbanisation in India is reshaping established social and economic patterns of behaviour, in ways that scholars are yet to fully comprehend. India’s rapid urbanisation invites several pressing questio...
Devesh Kapur
Neelanjan Sircar
Milan Vaishnav
06 December, 2021
- Symposium
Spatial disparities in household earnings in India
The per-capita state domestic product of Haryana (India’s richest state) was 5.6 times that of Bihar (poorest state) in 2017-18, up from 3.8 in 1996-97. Differences in urbanisation levels and inabilit...
S. Chandrasekhar
Karthikeya Naraparaju
Ajay Sharma
18 August, 2021
- Articles
DUET: Some practical concerns
Providing her perspective on Jean Drèze’s DUET proposal for an urban work programme, Ashwini Kulkarni raises pertinent questions about the implementation process. She outlines the role of ‘labour cont...
Ashwini Kulkarni
08 October, 2020
- Perspectives
DUET: Need to keep open mind, pilot cautiously
Commenting on Drèze’s DUET proposal for an urban work programme, Sandip Sukhtankar contends that given the potential promise but obvious issues that need to be addressed, the proposal is indeed ripe f...
Sandip Sukhtankar
24 September, 2020
- Perspectives
DUET: Weighing the costs and benefits
Presenting her perspective on Drèze’s DUET proposal, Farzana Afridi contends that in the net, we need to evaluate the relative cost and benefit of having a potentially administratively complex urban ...
Farzana Afridi
21 September, 2020
- Perspectives
DUET: Learning from the experiences of other countries
Commenting on Drèze’s DUET proposal, Martin Ravallion suggests that three steps are needed: learning from other countries’ experiences with similar policies, conducting trials in various contexts befo...
Martin Ravallion
16 September, 2020
- Perspectives
DUET: Addressing ‘why’ before ‘how’
Commenting on Drèze's DUET proposal and related views, Ashok Kotwal argues that we need to consider the rationale for such an urban work programme, before diving into the design details.
Ashok Kotwal
15 September, 2020
- Perspectives
DUET: Decentralise employment generation to urban local bodies
Dilip Mookherjee supports Drèze’s suggestion to decentralise employment generation to urban local bodies, and contends that the moribund nature of urban local government is a key reason for the neglec...
Dilip Mookherjee
14 September, 2020
- Perspectives
DUET: Employment programme in public works in small towns
Given the severe problems of unemployment and under-employment in urban India, particularly among the country’s burgeoning youth population, Pranab Bardhan emphasises the need for an employment progra...
Pranab Bardhan
12 September, 2020
- Perspectives
DUET: Towards employment as a universal right
Debraj Ray contends that we should push forward with the agenda of employment as a universal right, and DUET would move that needle. He discusses two aspects of the proposal – keeping track of workers...
Debraj Ray
11 September, 2020
- Perspectives