Tag Search: “political economy”

The electoral consequences of India’s demonetisation

It is widely believed that there may have been little or no electoral consequences of India’s demonetisation in 2016. This article analyses voter behaviour following demonetisation. It finds that plac...

  • Articles

RCEP trade agreement: The road not taken?

Prime Minister Modi recently announced that India would not be joining the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement between Southeast Asian Nations and its free-trading partners. I...

  • Perspectives

Cash and the economy: Evidence from India’s demonetisation

‘Demonetisation’ announced in India in December 2016 made 86% of cash in circulation illegal tender overnight, with new notes gradually introduced over the next several months. This article combines n...

  • Articles

How democratic are the states of India?

India is often credited for its success as the world’s largest democracy – but does the degree of democracy vary across Indian states? This article develops an index to map the development of subnatio...

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Political alignment and economic outcomes: Evidence from legislative assembly elections in India

Theory suggests better economic outcomes prevail when providers at different levels of government are politically aligned. While politicians are jointly responsible for several policies, other policie...

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India’s emerging crisis of representation

Article 81 of the Indian Constitution requires that each state receive Lok Sabha seats in proportion to its population and allocate those seats to constituencies of roughly equal size. However, the ch...

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Power to the people: The impact of political report cards in India

How do Indian voters react to information on the qualifications and performance of politicians?

  • Podcasts

Where are the Indian female politicians?

When women win elections, does it inspire other women to run for candidacy or does it convince men to close ranks before the next election?

  • Podcasts

Criminal politicians and informed voting in India

In India, 9% of legislators face criminal charges. Could voter information and coordination improve the country’s political representation?

  • Podcasts

The road not taken: Gender gaps along paths to political power

Research and policy efforts towards greater female political participation have largely focused on women’s voting behaviour, and their representation as elected public officials. However, there are se...

  • Articles

Are transparency and accountability enough? Open corruption and why it exists

While India’s federal anti-corruption ombudsmen have just taken up their work, awareness of the complexity of corruption is growing. This article studies whether highly accountable Indian village coun...

  • Articles

Strengthen MNREGS to support the rural economy

India’s Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGS) has generated a lot of controversy about its effectiveness as a safety net designed to benefit landless rural households. Mur...

  • Perspectives