Tag Search: “political economy”
When technology disrupts politics: Lessons from India’s green revolution
The green revolution transformed India’s agricultural sector between 1960s and 1980s. Did this technological revolution in agriculture translate into a political revolution? This article shows that wi...
Aditya Dasgupta
14 January, 2019
- Articles
Do urban politicians discriminate against internal migrants? Evidence from a nationwide field experiment in India
In recent decades, the global south has witnessed an explosive increase in the number of people relocating from rural to urban areas. Yet many migrants struggle to integrate into destination cities, f...
Nikhar Gaikwad
Gareth Nellis
31 December, 2018
- IGC Research on India
Like father, like son? The economic impacts of political dynasties in India
Political dynasties remain ubiquitous in democratic countries even though many societies democratised to end hereditary rule. This article studies how dynastic politics affects economic development in...
Siddharth George
19 December, 2018
- Articles
Are independent candidates unimportant for political representation?
Independent candidates are often deemed ‘frivolous’ or ‘spoilers’ by mainstream political figures and authorities, although there is little to no evidence on their effect on elections. This article fi...
Sacha Kapoor
Arvind Magesan
03 December, 2018
- Articles
Promoting women in grassroots governance: Strategies that work
There are more than a million women elected to the Panchayati Raj Institutions of local governance in India. Despite constitutional provisions, women face many barriers when they participate in local ...
Madhu Joshi
14 November, 2018
- Notes from the Field
Judicial Institutions and Economic Development: Examining Micro-evidence from India
This project examines the relationship between a country’s legal environment and its economic outcomes. This project will be constructing relevant measures of friction from trial level data at subordi...
Aprajit Mahajan
30 September, 2018
- IGC Research on India
Political reservations for women and policy influence of low-castes in India
Many policies are designed along a particular identity dimension, such as gender or ethnicity. However, such policies overlook the fact that individuals are associated with several identity dimensions...
Guilhem Cassan
Lore Vandewalle
19 September, 2018
- Articles
The particulars of social policy in India: Evidence, State capacity, and policy design
Economist-activist Jean Drèze has argued that economists are no better equipped to comment on development policy design than other social science researchers and other stakeholders, and that policymak...
Apurva Bamezai
M.R. Sharan
12 September, 2018
- Perspectives
Do Indian voters mind their representatives getting rich in office?
Asset declarations, requiring politicians to disclose their financial information, are becoming increasingly common across the world. In India, financial declarations are part of public affidavits fil...
Simon Chauchard
S.P. Harish
Marko Klašnja
10 August, 2018
- Articles
The strategic logic of money flows in Indian elections
Why do political candidates give voters handouts during election campaigns, even when they are unable to monitor voter behaviour? Based on a qualitative study in Mumbai, this article argues that compe...
Simon Chauchard
16 July, 2018
- Articles
Sunlight as disinfectant: Disclosure requirements and corruption in India
It is believed that transparency and free access to information can root out corruption and malfeasance in government. This article finds that the introduction of asset disclosure rules for candidates...
Raymond Fisman
22 June, 2018
- Articles
Enfranchising your own? Polling officer identity and electoral outcomes
The provision of free and fair elections is a public service critical to maintaining accountability and responsiveness of elected officials. This article examines the administration of polling station...
Yusuf Neggers
20 June, 2018
- Articles