Tag Search: “schooling”
Using evidence for better policy: The case of primary education in India
While India has achieved considerable success in increasing primary school enrolment and improving input-based measures of school quality over the past 10 years, learning outcomes continue to be abysm...
Karthik Muralidharan
18 March, 2013
- Articles
Improving Child Health and Schooling
This project collected information on whether the child received a health report card (and checkup), as well as attendance data for that child for each month of the school year. Combining this with in...
Prabhat P. Ghosh
Anjini Kochar
01 December, 2012
- IGC Research on India
Why Indian education needs to get back to reality
What is the best advice to give an Indian education department official? This column argues that the best thing officials can do is drop the assumptions and stick to reality – otherwise many children ...
Rukmini Banerji
12 October, 2012
- Articles
How to keep more girls in school? Lessons from Bangladesh
For years developing countries have been trying to increase parents’ incentives to send their children, particularly girls, to school and keep them there. This column looks at the success of Banglades...
Mushfiq Mobarak
24 September, 2012
- Articles
Education in Bihar: Still a long road ahead
In the north Indian state of Bihar, education has been improving faster than in the rest of the country. But as this column reminds us, Bihar is starting from the bottom. For education to continue to ...
Nishith Prakash
07 September, 2012
- Articles
Misguided policy and school inequality in rural India
Despite government efforts, stark inequality in India’s schools persists, particularly in rural areas. This column argues that the failure may lie in policy design – rather than helping the worst scho...
Anjini Kochar
18 August, 2012
- Articles
Food for thought: On the design of school subsidy programmes
Despite significant increase in primary school enrollments, student attendance rates are less than 70% in public schools. This column argues that India needs to start evaluating its existing school su...
Farzana Afridi
06 August, 2012
- Articles
Cognitive Effects of Supplementary School Feeding Programme
This project uses the exogenous policy shock of the extension of provision of school meals to upper primary grades in public schools in Delhi to study the effects of school meal intake on the cognitiv...
Farzana Afridi
Bidisha Barooah
Rohini Somanathan
01 April, 2012
- IGC Research on India
Education Policies and Practices
The objective of this project was to study the status of education in Bihar both in absolute terms and in relation to other states in India and also to identify best practices in education policies an...
Nishith Prakash
01 April, 2012
- IGC Research on India
Belief Formation of the Returns to Schooling and How to De-Bias Incorrect Beliefs
This project investigates how poor households in rural and urban Rajasthan form beliefs about the value of additional years of schooling.
James Berry
Lucas Coffman
31 March, 2012
- IGC Research on India
Role of ICT in Improving the Quality of Elementary School Education in Bihar
The objective of this project was to bring out the role of ICT in improving the quality of school education, integrated within pedagogical approaches taking on-board the social constraints of schoolin...
Chirashree Das Gupta
Haridas KPN
01 August, 2011
- IGC Research on India