Tag Search: “firms”

Management practices and productivity in India

In this article, Bloom and Patnaik bring together research that analyses management practices of firms, and how they relate to firm productivity and performance. They highlight the importance of under...

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Have policy initiatives in emerging Asian economies improved firms' access to external finance?

Since the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis, policymakers in Asia have initiated a series of reforms aimed at developing and strengthening the regional financial markets. This column provides new evidenc...

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I4I Panel Discussion: The challenge of job creation

In a recent I4I editorial, Ashok Kotwal described the challenge of job creation that is facing the Indian economy today. In December 2017, Prof. Kotwal moderated a panel discussion on the topic betwe...

  • Videos

The spatial dimensions of business investment decisions

Investment decisions of firms are centred on location choice, investment magnitude, and selection of industry. Of these, information on location choice is the most asymmetric, making it is imperative ...

  • Perspectives

Does mandatory CSR expenditure affect firm value? Evidence from Indian firms

Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 mandates all Indian firms above certain size or profit threshold to spend at least 2% of net profit earned in preceding three years on Corporate Social Responsib...

  • Articles

The challenge of job creation

The process of economic transformation that entails labour transitioning from low- to high-productivity activities, been much slower in India than in other Asian countries like China. Why is this so ...

  • Perspectives

Is small beautiful? A critical evaluation of MSME policy and performance in India

Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have significance in a labour-abundant country like India, and various policies are in place to promote the sector. Analysing MSME data from various sources...

  • Articles

Structural transformation and spillovers from ‘Industrial Areas’

A defining feature of economic development is the reallocation of labour from subsistence agriculture to manufacturing. To shed light on this process, this column analyses Karnataka’s Industrial Areas...

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Facilitating foreign investment in rupee-denominated debt

On 22 September 2017, the RBI notified that rupee-denominated offshore bonds – popularly known as ‘masala bonds’ – will no longer form part of the limit for investment in corporate bonds by foreign po...

  • Perspectives

Doing Business in India: Myths and realities

Ahead of the global release of the 2018 edition of the World Bank Doing Business rankings, this column compares data from firm-level surveys conducted by the Bank and the IDFC Institute-NITI Aayog wi...

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Facilitating investment in organic food business through the right policies

The Indian government has undertaken several policy initiatives to promote organic farming and organic food exports, and many domestic and foreign companies have responded positively to these measure...

  • Articles

Draft social security code: Will it help informal workers?

Labour law reform is considered as a key requirement for creation of new jobs as well as greater formalisation of existing jobs in India. In March this year, the Ministry of Labour and Employment brou...

  • Perspectives