Tag Search: “firms”
Aiding the search for good jobs: Evidence from Uganda
To design policies that lead young labour-market entrants to good jobs, it is important to understand job search processes and what affects the ability to find gainful employment. Based on an experime...
Oriana Bandiera
Vittorio Bassi
Robin Burgess
Imran Rasul
Munshi Sulaiman
Anna Vitali
24 April, 2024
- Articles
How do private players respond to public entry in pharmaceutical markets?
In 2012, the government of West Bengal outsourced the operation of key public pharmacies to private players – creating fair-price shops for selected generic medicines. How has the private sector respo...
Chirantan Chatterjee
Samarth Gupta
03 April, 2024
- Articles
How R&D tax credits can drive price competition in Indian industries
In the last few decades, tax credits have been introduced in many developing countries to incentivise investment in research and development (R&D). Looking at the staggered introduction of R&D tax cre...
Tanya Jain
Rahul Singh
05 February, 2024
- Articles
Could job creation be a driver of poverty reduction in India?
While the Indian economy continues to grow, there is a consensus that creating more jobs is vital to reduce poverty. Ejaz Ghani shares trends which suggest that job creation is being driven by cities ...
Ejaz Ghani
03 November, 2023
- Perspectives
Debt markets’ response to mandatory corporate social responsibility
To examine the response of debt holders to the Mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility, this study by Jitendra Aswani looks at debt pricing for firms impacted by the Indian Companies Act 2013 and it...
Jitendra Aswani
23 August, 2023
- Articles
How worker investments can fuel productivity in India’s manufacturing sector
In the second article in the Ideas@IPF2023 series, Adhvaryu et al. synthesise some facts on India’s declining manufacturing productivity and variations across states and industries. They examine exist...
- Perspectives
Ideas@IPF2023 series: NCAER’s India Policy Forum– where research meets policy
Every year, the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) hosts the India Policy Forum (IPF), a platform where economists and policymakers dissect five research ideas for their utility to ...
Anupma Mehta
10 July, 2023
- Symposium
Unpacking how MSMEs are defined in India’s manufacturing and services sector
The Indian government announced a number of reforms to help micro, small and medium enterprises that had been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic – including changes in how an MSMEs are classified. Rahu...
Rahul Ranjan
30 May, 2023
- Perspectives
Implicit costs of factor allocation for Indian firms
Looking at variations in factor misallocation across states, Chaurey et al. measure trends in factor adjustment costs incurred by firms between 1999 and 2014. They find that adjustment costs for labou...
- Articles
Formalisation of informal manufacturing enterprises in India
Employment in India’s organised manufacturing sector has grown rapidly since 2004. This article finds that about 15% of this growth can be attributed to the formalisation of previously informal enterp...
Bishwanath Goldar
01 March, 2023
- Articles
Creative destruction and catch-up growth in India
In this post, Peters and Zilibotti compare the size of firms in India and the US, and find that the 90% of firms in India have four employees or less, and attribute it to the absence of creative destr...
Michael Peters
Fabrizio Zilibotti
27 January, 2023
- Articles
The role of political connections of firms during a crisis
Research has shown that political connections matter for a firm during times of economic crisis. This article refers to a unique data set of political connections of firms in India, and finds that fir...
Yutong Chen
Gaurav Chiplunkar
Sheetal Sekhri
Anirban Sen
Aaditeshwar Seth
07 November, 2022
- Articles