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Female legislators and forest conservation

While women are known to be more concerned about the environment than men, do these preferences translate into action when women hold political power? This article shows that in constituencies reserve...

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गर्भनिरोधक संबंधी निर्णयों के घरेलू हिंसा पर प्रभाव : निर्णय और गतिशीलता

महिलाओं की परिवार में अपनी बात रखने की शक्ति और रोज़गार व शिक्षा के रूप में उनके सशक्तीकरण को, अन्तरंग-साथी द्वारा उनके प्रति हिंसा (इंटिमेट पार्टनर वायलेंस- आईपीवी) की घटनाओं के कम होने और बढ़ जाने, द...

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Fiscal transfers and natural calamities: Does political alignment matter?

Fiscal transfers from the central government serve as an important mechanism for state governments to mitigate adverse impacts of extreme climate events. This article demonstrates that higher allocati...

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Financing the climate transition of India’s power sector

A cornerstone of India’s climate transition plan is to shift towards a high-efficiency, low-emission power sector. In this post, Vardhan and Tilotia outline the investment and financing challenges ass...

  • Perspectives

Synthetic Control Method: Opportunity for policy evaluation

Policy evaluation involves estimating the effect of an intervention, by comparing outcomes in units subjected to the intervention with otherwise similar units not subjected to intervention. However, t...

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Economic development and crime against women

With economic development, technology becomes more skill-intensive than brawn-intensive, increasing the earning potential of women. Analysing Indian data from 2004-2012, this article shows that the de...

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वस्तु-रूपी हस्तांतरण : डेडवेट हानि या लाभ?

क्या सामाजिक सहायता के लिए वस्तु-रूप में दिया जाने वाला हस्तांतरण उपभोक्ता की पसंद को सीमित करके ‘डेडवेट लॉस’ की ओर ले जाता है? इस लेख में महाराष्ट्र में हुए एक प्रयोग से प्राप्त निष्कर्षों को प्रस्तु...

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Post-Covid informal manufacturing growth: How states fared

Recently released official data show an expansion in informal manufacturing in India in the post-pandemic period. In this post, Goldar and Aggarwal conduct a cross-state analysis and highlight that Bi...

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Policy Roundup: Fed rate cut, ageing South India, Cyclone Dana, crypto regulation

This post presents our monthly curation of developments in the Indian policy landscape – highlighting I4I content pertaining to the impact of US monetary policy announcements on emerging economies, fe...

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Street vending: Understanding emotional markups and market interactions

Despite the ubiquity of street vending in urban landscapes and its significance as a livelihood choice among the poor, it is challenging to collect comprehensive data on vendors – especially children....

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कैसे लड़कियों की शिक्षा में निवेश से भारत में घरेलू हिंसा कम हो सकती है

भारत में 15 से 49 वर्ष की आयु की लगभग एक तिहाई महिलाएँ घरेलू हिंसा का सामना करती हैं। यह लेख जिला प्राथमिक शिक्षा कार्यक्रम, बड़े पैमाने के एक स्कूल विस्तार कार्यक्रम, के कारण लड़कियों की शिक्षा में व...

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Poverty is bad – but is vulnerability worse?

Official data reveal that poverty in India has declined significantly over time. In this post, Kamila and Wadhwa make the case for policy discourse to shift towards the phenomenon of ‘vulnerability’. ...

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