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Posts by Rohini Pande

Star power: Rating industries in Maharashtra by emission levels

Maharashtra Pollution Control Board recently launched a programme to rate industries based on their emission levels – the first such initiative by a government regulator. An easy and accessible way...

  • Perspectives

Constructing housing for the poor without destroying their communities

The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana aims to achieve housing for all by 2022. However, vacancy of 23% was reported last year in urban housing built under the programme. In this article, Rohini Pande, conte...

  • Notes from the Field

Getting India's women into the workforce: Time for a smart approach

In this article, Rohini Pande, the Mohammed Kamal Professor of Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School, contends that raising India’s stubbornly low rate of female labour force participation will r...

  • Perspectives

Building Environmental Regulation that Enables Growth

This project is linked to a broader research-policy collaboration with India’s Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), and State Pollution Control Boards ...

  • IGC Research on India

Access to credit and female labour supply in India

While microfinance is believed to have the potential to increase female labour force participation, short-term experimental evaluations of microfinance have not found significant economic benefits for...

  • IGC Research on India

Asking the right question to get the right policy

There is consensus in the development community on the importance of bridging the gap between researchers and practitioners; however, misaligned incentives underlie this gap. In this article, Pande, M...

  • Perspectives

Smart data: Can visualised administrative data help inform and hold public stakeholders accountable?

The project examined how interactive data visualisations can be used to present administrative data in a way that is easily digestible, lends itself to exploration and provides a clear link to require...

  • IGC Research on India

What is causing Delhi's air pollution?

Several policies aimed at reducing Delhi’s air pollution have been implemented this winter, but what remains unclear is where the pollution comes from. This column takes stock of what we know about ...

  • Perspectives

The political economy of data

Recent experiences, especially from Scandinavian countries, show that opening administrative data sources can substantially improve public policymaking. In this article, Pande and Blum contend that w...

  • Perspectives

Should the less educated be barred from village council elections?

In December 2014, the state government of Rajasthan issued an executive order barring citizens with less than eight years of formal education from running for village council chief elections in all b...

  • Perspectives

Keeping women safe

Since the December 2012 rape incident in Delhi, numerous policies have been proposed to stop the “war on women”. In this article, Rohini Pande discusses economic research, including her own, on t...

  • Perspectives

The youngest are hungriest

Babies born in India are more likely to be stunted than those in sub-Saharan Africa, even though the former are better off on average. This column examines how the India-Africa height gap varies by b...

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