Contributor : Profile
Reeve Vanneman is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Maryland. He received a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Harvard University. Vanneman is a stratification sociologist whose recent research focuses on changing gender inequalities in the United States and India. With Dave Cotter and Joan Hermsen, he is trying to understand why the U.S. gender revolution of the 1970s and 1980s stalled in the 1990s. Recent work with Joanna Kling has been investigating whether changing media themes about working mothers may be an indicator of a cultural shift that contributed to this stalled gender revolution.
Desai and Vanneman are engaged in India Human Development Survey (IHDS), a collaborative research programme between University of Maryland and National Council of Applied Economic Research. This survey of over 40,000 households is the first large-scale panel survey in India and is publicly available for free download.
Posts by Reeve Vanneman
Of Picasso and Cezanne: Early achievers vs. late bloomers
Children learn at different paces – some are early achievers while others bloom late. In this article, Desai and Vanneman, Professors of Sociology at University of Maryland, present evidence to sho...
- Sonalde Desai Reeve Vanneman
- 24 November, 2015
- Articles