Tag Search: “public service delivery”
Enhancing nutrition among the poor: UBI vs. welfare programmes
Some proponents of universal basic income (UBI) for India believe that the unconditional cash transfer should replace existing welfare programmes. Based on analysis of National Sample Survey data, thi...
Ranjan Ray
Kompal Sinha
28 May, 2018
- Articles
Aadhaar that doesn’t exclude
Aadhaar is in the news today partly because of security concerns and partly because of reports that the poor are unable to receive PDS rations because of failures in Aadhaar authentication. In this ar...
Ashok Kotwal
Bharat Ramaswami
11 April, 2018
- Perspectives
Impact of Elite Capture on the Provision of Public Services
The Bihar Rural Livelihoods Project commonly called JEEViKA, is a community-driven poverty reduction programme with the key aim of improving the social and economic empowerment of the rural poor.
Lata Gangadharan
Tarun Jain
Pushkar Maitra
Joseph Vecci
31 March, 2018
- IGC Research on India
Ashok Kotwal speaks with Jean Drèze
I4I Editor-in-Chief Ashok Kotwal speaks with Jean Drèze, visiting Professor at Ranchi University and an ‘economist-activist’ who has been working in India at the grassroots level for a long time. The...
Jean Drèze
Ashok Kotwal
28 March, 2018
- Notes from the Field
Introduction to e-Symposium: Firms and labour productivity
Eighty per cent of India’s labour force works ‘informally’. Providing employment with decent wages and benefits to this segment requires structural transformation of the economy to more high-producti...
Farzana Afridi
12 March, 2018
- Symposium
Social Networks, Property Rights and Public Services in the Slums of Patna and Jaipur
This project provides important original insight into the factors that condition the capacity of the urban poor to achieve formal recognition of slums, private property rights, and better public servi...
Anirudh Krishna
Erik Wibbels
28 January, 2018
- IGC Research on India
India's plan to eliminate tuberculosis by 2025: Converting rhetoric into reality
During the 2017 Union Budget address, the Government of India announced its plan to eliminate tuberculosis (TB) by 2025, which is extraordinarily ambitious given that India accounts for a large propor...
Soumyadeep Bhaumik
Soumitra Bhuyan
Madhukar Pai
24 January, 2018
- Perspectives
For no more Gorakhpur
In August 2017, the media was splashed with the grim news of the tragic deaths of children at a hospital in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, owing to alleged medical negligence. In this article, Chandrakant ...
Chandrakant Lahariya
17 January, 2018
- Perspectives
Aadhaar, biometrics, and the PDS in Jharkhand
Aadhaar-based biometric authentication was made mandatory for obtaining rations under the Public Distribution System in Ranchi district in Jharkhand in August 2016. In this article, Nazar Khalid demon...
Nazar Khalid
10 January, 2018
- Perspectives
Identifying an effective teacher in public schools in Delhi
While there is near universal school enrolment among 6-14 year olds in India, learning levels are abysmally low. In this context, this project looks at senior secondary government schools in Delhi to ...
Bidisha Barooah
Deepti Goel
26 December, 2017
- IGC Research on India
Achieving universal health coverage in India: Inefficiency is the problem, not money
India has been widely criticised for having one of the world’s lowest public spending on health. In this article, Kanchan Mukherjee contends that even with this minimal expenditure it is possible to a...
Kanchan Mukherjee
19 December, 2017
- Perspectives
Improving nutritional outcomes through conditional cash transfers
The Indian government plans to universalise the Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana – a conditional cash transfer programme for pregnant women and lactating mothers that aims to improve maternal and c...
Alok Kumar
Sneha Palit
22 November, 2017
- Articles