Contributor : Profile
Rory is a Research Associate with the Center for Global Development Global Education team. Prior to joining CGD, he worked as a research assistant at the University of Manchester, measuring the impact of Covid-19 lockdown restrictions on economic hardship. Rory is from London and has an M.Sc. in Social Research Methods and Statistics from the University of Manchester, where his dissertation explored patterns in knife crime using spatial models. Previously he received a BA in History from, Durham University.
Posts by Rory Todd
भारत में स्कूली पाठ्य पुस्तकों में व्याप्त लैंगिक पूर्वाग्रह का विश्लेषण
शिक्षक का पुस्तकों, पाठ्यक्रमों, शिक्षण प्रणालियों, नई पीढ़ियों, नवाचार और समाज से अंतरंग सम्बन्ध है। शिक्षक दिवस, 5 सितम्बर को प्रस्तुत इस शोध आलेख में शिक्षकों की नहीं अपितु पाठ्य पुस्तकों के एक संवे...
Lee Crawfurd
Theodore Mitchell
Radhika Nagesh
Christelle Saintis-Miller
Rory Todd
05 सितंबर, 2024
- लेख
Analysing gender bias in school textbooks in India
If we want girls’ education to help build gender equality, a basic first step is ensuring we are not giving children sexist textbooks. This article analyses gender bias in school textbooks in India ...
Lee Crawfurd
Theodore Mitchell
Radhika Nagesh
Christelle Saintis-Miller
Rory Todd
23 August, 2024
- Articles