Contributor : Profile
Reshmaan Hussam is an Assistant Professor of business administration in the Business, Government and International Economy Unit at Harvard Business School. Her research explores questions at the intersection of development and behavioural economics, with research in three areas: migration, health, and finance. Prior to joining HBS, Professor Hussam was a postdoctoral fellow at the Economic Growth Center at Yale University. She received her SB and PhD in economics from MIT.
Posts by Reshmaan Hussam
रोजगार का मनोसामाजिक मूल्य: एक शरणार्थी शिविर से साक्ष्य
रोजगार में आय सृजन के स्पष्ट लाभ-सहित सार्थक मनोसामाजिक लाभ होने की क्षमता के बावजूद, दुनिया के कई सबसे कमजोर समूहों- जिनमें शरणार्थी शामिल हैं, की रोजगार तक पहुंच कम है। यह लेख बांग्लादेश में रोहिंग्...
Reshmaan Hussam
Erin M. Kelley
Gregory Lane
Fatima Zahra
12 जुलाई, 2022
- लेख
The psychosocial value of employment: Evidence from a refugee camp
Many of the world’s most vulnerable groups – including refugees –lack access to employment opportunities, which along with the obvious benefit of income generation also produces psychosocial ben...
Reshmaan Hussam
Erin M. Kelley
Gregory Lane
Fatima Zahra
20 June, 2022
- Articles