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Posts by Kalle Moene
Why political competition matters when inequality is high
In a high-inequality setting, local politicians with secure positions may favour the rich by diverting resources towards them, at the cost of the poor. To test this hypothesis, this article analyses d...
Anders Kjelsrud
Kalle Moene
Lore Vandewalle
13 September, 2024
- Articles
शक्ति के पहिए : बिहार साइकल कार्यक्रम के दीर्घकालिक प्रभाव
बिहार सरकार ने 2006 में स्कूल जाने के लिए साइकल खरीदने के लिए कक्षा 9 की लड़कियों को नकद रुपए देने का एक कार्यक्रम शुरू किया था। वर्ष 2016 में किए गए एक सर्वे के आधार पर इस आलेख में दर्शाया गया है कि ...
Shabana Mitra
Kalle Moene
13 मार्च, 2019
- लेख
Wheels of power: Long-term effects of the Bihar Cycle Programme
The Bihar government introduced a programme in 2006 to give cash to grade 9 girls to buy bicycles to go to school. Based on a survey undertaken in 2016, this article shows that beneficiaries were more...
Shabana Mitra
Kalle Moene
04 March, 2019
- Articles
Parikshit Ghosh speaks with Karl Ove Moene
There is a view that upsurge in inequality due to globalisation is leading to rising appeal of political platforms that promote inward-looking policies. In this podcast, Parikshit Ghosh (Member of the...
Parikshit Ghosh
Kalle Moene
23 April, 2018
- Podcasts
Women's empowerment and changing social norms: Persistent effects of a one-time targeted in-kind transfer in India
The project explored how a targeted social reform - the “Cycle program” in Bihar - affected the aspirations and behaviour of young women. The Cycle program was successful in increasing enrolment i...
Shabana Mitra
Kalle Moene
27 January, 2017
- IGC Research on India
The universal basic share and social incentives
In the previous article in the series, Debraj Ray proposes a simple amendment of the universal basic income called the universal basic share. In this article, Debraj Ray and Karl Ove Moene (Universit...
Kalle Moene
Debraj Ray
30 September, 2016
- Perspectives